Friday, August 13, 2010

Wide Open Spaces

Howdy all! We are now recovering from cowboy camp. Oh, how we loved this place. The Gallitan River, the mountains, our first spotting of a bear in Yellowstone Park. It was as rejuvenating as the cool Montana Air and cleansing as the storms that visited us each evening. I feel a bit heartbroken as this trip begins the close of our summer. One more short jaunt and then back to books and car pools and cold weather too soon. There is a lot I will remember about this summer: Arches, crying babies in the car, Ragnar, swimming with the kids, and fresh limes. We have grilled almost every night and dined on the patio. Yet, as I watched my family blend in to the Montana landscape, I'm convinces that this summer is one to be beat. Aaron and Harris played their western roles well. The cowboy hats grew on me. A few times I thought maybe we should have left the young'ns at home.
There was oodles of water running in and out of the ranch for tiny fingers to wade in.

We might need to get Aaron a bigger gun in thirteen years...

Anna and Timer

I hope this trip doesn't affect any career goals.

How I waited for my cowboy to come home from his two hour ride.

My cowboys

Afternoon at the fish pond.

Harris learning the ropes.

Oh, every girl wants a cowboy

Cowboy Jack on his morning ride.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

What a fun vacation for you. All I can say is everyone looks so HAPPY...and that is an amazing feat. Glad you had such a good time :)